Upcoming holidays

This page will provide information about any upcoming holidays that may impact the Forex/CFD market for the current month. If you do not see any dates listed, it indicates that the Forex/CFD market will operate under normal hours without any closures or disruptions for the current month.

Quick search
XAUUSD(10)Early Close 20:15
XAUUSDEarly Close 20:15
XAGUSDEarly Close 20:15
WheatClosedLate open 16:30
VIXXEarly Close 20:15Early Close 18:30
US sharesEarly Close 20:00Closed
SPX500Early Close 20:15Early Close 20:00
Oil-CNTEarly Close 20:15
NaturalGasEarly Close 21:30
NAS100Early Close 20:15Early Close 20:00
DOW30Early Close 20:15Early Close 20:00
CottonClosedLate open 15:00
CornClosedLate open 16:30
CopperEarly Close 21:30
BRTUSD.Early Close 20:30
BRTUSDEarly Close 20:30
Day Before Independence DayIndependence DayDay After Independence Day

All times mentioned are based on Server Time. Please note that the date and time may be modified without prior notification. It's important to be aware that pricing can fluctuate based on market conditions and may exhibit higher volatility when market depth is limited.